December 2020 East Java Inflation 0.46 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Malang Regency

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December 2020 East Java Inflation 0.46 percent

Release Date : January 4, 2021
File Size : 1.28 MB


  • In December 2020, East Java experienced inflation of 0.46 percent. Of the eight CPI cities in East Java, all experienced inflation. The highest inflation occurred in Sumenep with 0.71 percent. Meanwhile, the lowest inflation occurred in Kediri at 0.28 percent.
  • Of the eleven expenditure groups, nine groups experienced inflation, one group experienced deflation and one group experienced no change. The group that experienced the highest inflation was the Food, Beverage and Tobacco group at 1.51 percent, while the group experiencing deflation was the Personal Care and Other Services group at 0.57 percent. Meanwhile, the Education group did not change.
  • The main commodities that contributed the most to East Java's inflation in December 2020 were cayenne pepper, air transportation, eggs and red chilies. Meanwhile, the commodities that contributed the most to deflation were gold jewelery, shallots, wet shrimp and apples.
  • East Java calendar year inflation rate in December 2020 reached 1.44 percent, this figure is lower than calendar year inflation in December 2019 of 2.12 percent.
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