January 20, 2025 | BPS Activities
The training was carried out in two stages, namely, online distance learning via the Zoom Meeting application for three days and followed by face-to-face training for two days at the Malang Regency BPS office. The delivery of training materials was given by regional instructors Maulidiah Nitivijaya and Lukman Azhari and opened directly by the Head of BPS Malang Regency, Erny Fatma Setyoharini.
A series of training activities were carried out with tryout interviews with respondent households so that officers' understanding of the technicalities of data collection and inspection could be well mastered.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK KABUPATEN MALANG Jl. Raya Jatirejoyoso No. 1A Kepanjen - MALANG 65163Telp. (0341) 396979
homepage: malangkab.bps.go.id No Layanan : 0852-8000-3507 ( jam kerja - chat WA ) Pengaduan : s.id/pakisaji (menu pengaduan)