December 8, 2024 | BPS Activities
Integrated Food Crop Agricultural Statistics Data Collection in Indonesia with the Area Sample Framework method is to improve the previously conventional data collection method to be more objective and modern by involving the role of technology in it, so that the agricultural data collected becomes more accurate and timely. The training was carried out in 2 waves involving 19 supervisors and 57 enumerators. In addition to officer training, this activity also included an inventory of the tiling tools used by officers, as well as an introduction to a new application for Corn KSA officers, which will be tested this December.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK KABUPATEN MALANG Jl. Raya Jatirejoyoso No. 1A Kepanjen - MALANG 65163Telp. (0341) 396979
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