Integrity Zone - TAJINAN - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Malang Regency

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Integrity Zone - TAJINAN

Integrity Zone - TAJINAN

September 25, 2024 | Other Activities

Risk Management

Every activity must have a risk of problems that have a bad impact. Risk Management is necessary so that possible risks can be identified from the beginning. Therefore, mitigation and supervision are carried out so that errors/problems can be minimized.

There are 6 activities in the implementation of Risk Management
1. Identification: list the risks that may occur in an activity
2. Assess: assess the likelihood of occurrence and the impact received if the risk occurs
3. Review: conduct a further review of the risks that have been identified
4. Control: carry out control so that risks do not occur
5. Mitigation: take actions that can avoid or minimize risks
6. Monitor: monitor the progress of activities so that they can immediately anticipate if risks occur

The above activity is one of the innovations of change in building an Integrity Zone at BPS Malang Regency entitled TAJINAN, Risk Management Response for Activities
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